marți, 31 august 2010

A Day of Sorrow Is Longer Than A Month Of Joy!

Nowadays, when the time goes faster and everything is made on hurry we all have good days or bad days.

Can you remember a day when you were happy at school and the time pased by in a second? Maybe you can, maybe not but you certanly remember that day when outside was raining, you were tired, trying to keep your eyes open at Math when an hour seemed to be a century and the teacher was yelling at you because you couldn't sleep last night.

"Time is relative; it is the fire where all our existance burns".(Friedrich Nietzsche ). You can choose how you wanna spent it but not fast you can feel it, you can choose how you want to remember it or how do you want to lose it.

So, if you have one of this eternal days try to be glad of every moment you have, don't avoid it because you are not living yesterday, or tomorrow, you are living NOW and only this is the moment that you'll remember. NOW!

2nd of October 2009!English Class

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